Dream Circle's Gallery/ July - October 2021
The work shown in this gallery was done by the participants of a closed dream circle that has been meeting weekly since May 2020, every Monday at 12 PM.
We come together and each shares a dream from their dream diary of the week. Through a meditative process we then draw the dream, stepping into it in the present moment.
Participants are guided to stay in the heart, and to allow the drawing to make itself, by taking their ego (ie conceptions of good drawing, bad drawing, etc) "out of the way".
In a second moment we draw the collective dream resulting from all the individual dreams shared. There is no imposition to draw the images shared, but just to stay open to receive whatever images coming to us, inspired by what was shared.
The process is deeply healing providing amazing insights to each of us. Doing it collectively is also profoundly rewarding, and we discover with wonder how each other dreams complete the puzzle by providing the precise guidance needed for each at that moment.